


Friday, October 12, 2012

So It's Been Awhile.

I promised you this blog post by the end of the week, and by golly I will give it to you.

I honestly can't think of everything I haven't reported on yet, but I'll do my best to fill you in on the important deets.  

1. 2 weekends ago was parents weekend at good ol' Purdue, so mama, dad, and sissy came up to visit me!  Kourt's friend, Sara, also came up, and we all went to dinner at Bruno's, a pizza/Italian restaurant, that Friday night.  I also stocked up on candy, Nutella, and peanut butter when we went to Wal-Mart.  Kourt and Sara stayed in my room overnight to get a "real" college experience.  Except they refused to shower in our showers.  And let's be honest, you haven't been in college until you've used a communal shower.  It's like an unwritten rite of initiation.

But anyhow, we all woke up at the butt crack of dawn to get ready and go to a pancake breakfast the university put on.  The pancakes were phenomenal, and the pancake wizard (what do you call pancake flippers??) flipped the pancakes up in the air and we had to catch them on our plates to keep them.  I dropped embarrassing.

I had a scholarship presentation thing for the College of Education after that, so my poor family had to sit through at least a zillion random students get awarded their scholarships and mine only took about 2 minutes.  Good.

The tour was next; I dragged my family around campus for awhile so I could show them the sites and tell them about all the traditions/superstitions related to campus.  I think they enjoyed it though.  Sara even said she was interested in possibly going here!  That made me so happy!  I'm trying to convince Kourtney too, but no such luck.  I took them down to Chauncy too, to show them the shops and such.  Oh, and also so they could see Breakfast Club.  We're such a classy school: on Saturday mornings before home games, all the 21+ students get up at 6am and go to the bars on Chauncy and get drunk.  But they all have to dress up in costumes, so it's one giant Halloween fest basically.

We went to the football game later that afternoon which was fun, especially because we won.  We ate a BBQ dinner afterwards, and then my fam left.  It was a good weekend overall.

2. A couple things from last week:

  • Some 4th floor girls went to the 4th floor guys' intramural flag football game.  We made up cheers for each player, and it was a lot of fun.
  • Sex in the Dark happened.  No, it's not what you think.  It's where everyone from Shreve who wants to could go sit in a pitch black room and ask any questions they want out loud: about relationships, sex...whatever they wanted.  It got pretty awkward at times, and I realized there are a lot of jerks at my school too.  But it was interesting at least.
  • Did I ever tell you all about how my friend Hannah at Loyola and I sent Post-It note letters to our former PE teacher, Mr. Phelps?  Well he got them the other day and posted on Facebook that he got them and that he would be sending us something soon...yayyy mail!
  • In my Spanish tutoring,  I had to help a student who speaks no English at all.  We had to translate a practice standardized test for him...basically impossible for this girl.  Tutoring there has really made me start thinking of the situations I'll be in when I have my own classroom, but it's been making me really excited.  I seriously can't wait to be a teacher!
  • I had to help 'pomp' our homecoming float for Shreve Club.  (Pomping is the act of putting tissue paper through chicken wire to make designs).  Our float is gonna look legit, let me tell you.  Shoutout to my Shreve Club 'cause they repped it out this weekend working on the float!
3. This past weekend was October break, so we got Monday and Tuesday off.  Brooke's dad picked us up on Friday to bring us home, and Christian came with us!  When we got home, we all went to our friend Chloe's house.  Almost everyone came home for the weekend, so it was great to see everyone!  We had a bonfire and danced a little and watched some TV.  Yeah, it was just like the good old days when that was basically our lives.  It was so wonderful to see everyone.  I miss them a lot.

Christian stayed at my house on Friday and Saturday nights, so Saturday he and I went and got a much-needed hair cut and some of us went to see Pitch Perfect, which turned out to be really good.  My mama made dinner (hooray, home-cooked meals!) and Katie came over that night so the fam watched Fired Up because Christian hadn't seen it.  He and I also watched a bunch of American Horror Story episodes online that night and Sunday morning/afternoon.  It was really chill and relaxing.  Except I'm kicking myself for it now because I got nothing done...oops.

On Monday, my mom, sister, aunt, grandma, and I went to Tanner's Orchard to buy a ton of pumpkin and apple food!  It was great family time, and oh so tasty.

Tuesday we came back to school.  Mama and dad took us out to Monical's though, so that was good!

Also, my parents agreed and are allowing me to go to Honduras this May for 3 weeks to study abroad through the College of Education!  I'm so incredibly excited!  It's going to be a fantastic opportunity!

4.  Okay, one last thing.  Last night, some girls on my floor convinced me to go out to SAE (a frat) with them.  I decided, what the heck?  Why not?  I have yet to have a typical college party experience, so I wanted to check it out.  Plus it was Margaritaville themed, so the floor was covered in sand and I wanted to see that.

Well, all I can say is it's just not my thing.  It's a little frustrating since I know a lot of people have fun going out, but I don't know.  I just don't find it entertaining, probably because I don't drink.  The music was good so I really wanted to dance, but my friends were a little too drunk to dance, and apparently the typical style of dancing is where a girl is literally pressed up against a guy so   close that they've basically molded into one person, and the guy's back is smashed against the wall, so it's really a man sandwich.  Yeah...not really my thing.  Plus I felt slightly obligated to make sure everyone was okay because I was the only one in my right mind there.  Not the greatest night ever I guess.  But hey, I just wanted the experience, and now I had it, so I can't complain.

But here's what I do find interesting: there are all sorts of themed parties here, and they crack me up.  I'll list them here, but WARNING: THESE THEMES ARE EXTREMELY INAPPROPRIATE.  IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 YEARS OLD OR OVER 30, I HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU SKIP OVER THIS SECTION BECAUSE YOU MAY FIND IT OFFENSIVE AND DISTURBING.  But this is an informative blog, and I want you to know what goes on here.  So here's the list I had a girl on my floor compile for me:

  • Cowboys and Indians
  • Toga party
  • Walk of Shame (wear "last night's" clothes--for girls, basically a guy's shirt and heels)
  • Tight and Bright (Tight, neon clothes for black light)
  • Risky Business (Tom Cruise?)
  • ABC (Anything But Clothes...yeah...)
  • Golf pros and tennis hoes 
  • GI Joes and army hoes
  • Rave
  • Highlighter party (Write on each other with highlighters)
  • Jungle theme
  • CEOs and Office hoes (I'm sensing a theme here...)
  • Mathletes vs. Athletes
  • 10 minutes until a porno
Yeah, again, keepin' it classy Purdue.

Okay, that's all for now.  Take care, everyone!

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