


Sunday, November 1, 2015


*Disclaimer: The title for this post is a reference to the fact that October was a pretty dope month, not because Kasey is now doing drugs.

You know that phrase, "Bye, Felicia!"?  Well, I hereby petition to change that to, "Bye, October!" because, well... WHERE THE HECK DID OCTOBER GO?!  Here I was, super pumped for October and all that comes with it, aka pumpkin spice lattes and pumpkin bread, but now I'm sitting here and it's November and the sunlight has disappeared and it's only 5:45 pm, thanks a lot Daylight Savings.

Okay, rant over.  But forreals, there are SO many things that happened in October, and in typical Kasey fashion, I will share them all with you.  Prepare yourselves.

Brooke's Engagement
Guess what?  Okay, you already know what because I just titled this section as "Brooke's Engagement," but in case you couldn't figure it out because of that subtle hint: my best friend is engaged!  Ethan took Brooke on a surprise adventure out east and popped the question to her while there!  She is so excited and happy, and I can't help but be excited and happy for her.  They make a great couple and I wish them the best.

October Break
October Break was pretty great.  As if not having class wasn't enough, I also got to do a bajilion other things.  On Friday, I drove up to Jess's house near Chicago because her mom was having a craft/scrapbook weekend at her house!  It was a blast!  We ate lots of good food and snacks and did some scrapbooking and coloring.  On Saturday evening, I drove home (after stopping at Woodfield Mall to get dad some popcorn and mom some cheesecake) and my parents and I went to Los Potrillos for dinner.  On Sunday, we drove to Utica, Illinois for the Burgoo Stew Festival.  What's that, you say?  Glad you asked!  It is a festival celebrating burgoo stew.  If you're not sure what that is, you can Wikipedia it.  But it was some delicious stew.  There were a zillion craft booths set up so we walked around looking at stuff and sampling the wares.  I went to Champain on Monday to visit Lush and get kicked out of one of his classes because there "wasn't enough room."  Liars.  But we took a nice walk around Crystal Lake Park and ate pizza and I also got to see Katie, so all in all a great weekend.

PSEA Conference
For the fourth year running, I attended the ISEA Fall Conference with my organization, PSEA.  Of all 4 years, this was the year we had the most members attend!  Let me tell you, it was a struggle organizing 19 people going to Indy for the conference and making sure everyone had a hotel room and all that jazz, but it was so worth it!  We had a lot of fun listening to speakers, participating in the lip sync contest, taking pictures in the photo booth, dancing, and learning more about becoming a teacher. It was such a great time and I am so thankful for the opportunity!

PSEA Conference Attendees

I touched Glenda Ritz, omg

Hannah's Bachelorette Party
As soon as conference was over, I drove home to Normal for Chloe's sister's bachelorette party!  We ate dinner at Medici and then rode around in a party bus before heading to the bars in downtown Bloomington!  It was a blast getting to celebrate Hannah and spend time with Katie, Chloe, and her cousin, Jack.  I can't wait for her wedding in less than a month!

Tanner's Orchard
On Sunday of that weekend, my mom, sister, grandma, and I went to Tanner's Orchard, which is one of our traditions!  We walked around tasting all the delicious food and then proceeded to purchase said food.  This included, but was not limited to, pumpkin apple cider doughnuts, pies, apples, caramel, kettle corn, caramel apples, and who knows what else.  (Good stuff, that's what).  I love spending time with da fam.

Hoodie Allen Concert
Wanna know what else was fun?  Hoodie Allen came to Purdue and put on a concert with Cappa and Natalie LaRose (if you didn't read that in her special sing-song voice, I don't even know who you are).  I went with my main girl, Syd, and had so much fun!  Hoodie was such a great performer and it was hilarious watching him hate on IU and rap about Purdue and pull people on stage for a twerking contest.

King's Island
You know what was pretty dope?  Elaine and I took Jess to King's Island to celebrate her bachelorette party!  We drove up Sunday morning and it was a perfect day!  It was only a slightly chilly day and there weren't a ton of people there, so we got to ride all the rides we wanted to, and the longest line we waited in was only 45 minutes!  All of us got pretty motion sick at one point or another, but there was no puke to be seen, thank goodness.

Posing in front of the one ride we didn't get on...

This weekend was also pretty dope!  Lush came up on Friday, and we proceeded to wake up at 5:00 am the next morning to get ready for Halloween Breakfast Club!  Jess came over and we put on our Harry Potter costumes, then trekked to the Cactus with squirrel Annie and her squirrely friend.  Wanna take a guess as to how long we waited in line? Well, I'll just tell you. Three. Hours.  That's right, we are that dedicated.  We got in, danced for a little, and then left to get Taco Bell, because, priorities.  We then met my parents, sister, grandparents, uncle, cousin, and aunt and uncle at the stadium for the Purdue vs. Nebraska game, where we kicked butt!  It was so great spending time with my family and watching Purdue win (for once).  We then tailgated for a solid 30 minutes before it started raining on us...wah wah. But still lots of fun and as always, great to see the fam.


Da fam

Hehehe, Nebraska won 2 years ago, but not this time!

Student Teaching Visits
I've been visiting Suncrest Elementary to get to know my mentor teacher and my students, and it's been great!  I thoroughly admire my mentor teacher and my kiddos are super great.  I can't wait to teach next semester!

American Horror Story
My fave show started up at the beginning of the month, buttttt it is a complete disappointment.  So yeah.

I was on an intramural sand volleyball team with Syd, her roomies, and some of their friends, and we made it all the way to semi-finals before losing.  But now we are trying to redeem ourselves with an indoor volleyball league, so wish us luck on that one!

Bonus pics:
On a neature hike with Elaine in Hort Park

Happy 22nd to this chick!

October was great, but November should be pretty neat too.