


Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Good Times.

Take a given week out of anybody's life.

They have their obligations.
Their exciting highlights.
Their grievances. 
Their things to look forward to.
Their social experiences.
Etc. Etc. Etc.

Well, here are mine.

Obligatory classes:  Nothing to report on that front.

Exciting news: I found out that I am a Team Leader for Boiler Gold Rush next year for Shrevehart, the group I was in last semester (check my August 22 post)!!  I'm so FREAKIN' EXCITED as Kristen Wiig from SNL would say.  When I opened my letter and saw "Congra...," I started jumping up and down like an idiot.  I probably should have kept reading before I celebrated.  The letter could have said, "Congra...psych, we wanted you to think you got the position, but you actually didn't," but luckily it just said "Congratulations" like a normal letter.  Anyhow, I will be meeting the others in my TL group and also my BGR Supervisor on Saturday, and then our retreat is on Sunday!  Yippee!

Grievances: I can't say I've had many this week.  I've been fortunate.  Oh, except that weather.  Seriously, make up your mind, Mother Nature.  Don't be so bipolar with your snow, rain, and ice falling from the sky at the same time.  It is no fun walking to class in that wintry mix.

Things I'm looking forward to:  Shreve Semi-formal is this Saturday!  I have to help set up from like 8 am to when it starts, at like 8 pm, and then work part of it, and then tear down afterwards.  I'm excited for it though, because it's gonna be HUGE!  It's for any residence hall student and it's in the press box of our football stadium, which will be awesome.  Also, Annie let me borrow one of her dresses and it's really cute, so I'm excited to wear it!

Also, let's be real.  I'm looking forward to Spring Break.  One more week of classes and I"m outta here.

Socialite:  I had to practice my mingling skills, as well as my manners, at the Honors College Appreciation Dinner last night at the Union.  It was a dinner put on to appreciate all the honors college professors and such, and we all had to dress up.  So we ate a lot of really nice food and drank a lot of mocktails.  We also had a nice time being ridiculous on the walk back.(See photos below).

Those mocktails sure can get to ya! ;)

Okay, actually serious.

More posing...

Jenna and Jien Nee!

Winter "fountain run"

Triangle is the engineering frat, and there are benches out on the corner of their property.  At the beginning of the year, the guys would sit on the benches and watch all the girls walk by.  So we decided to take a picture by the benches haha.

Etc. Etc. Etc:

These pics are old, but here are our floor t-shirts!

These are the current videos sweeping across campus as of right now.  Enjoy!

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