After working as a hostess in a restaurant for the past 5 months, I've learned a thing or two. One of those things is that people are really, and I mean really, annoying. From ignoring you to switching tables without permission, people in restaurants can be some of the most needy, and perhaps most naive people I have ever encountered. So, a couple coworkers and I compiled a list of things hostesses wish you knew so you can have a positive dining experience...and so we don't hate you.
1. Don't ignore us.
Our primary job is to greet customers when they enter the restaurant and to bid them farewell as they leave. We want you to feel welcome and comfortable when you eat here, and we also want to express our gratitude to you for dining with us. This means we have to be on our A-game. Smiley, cheerful expressions, a friendly demeanor...we are the first people you see when you enter and the last you see when you leave. We are your first and last impression of the restaurant. So please, please don't ignore us when we say hello to you as you walk in. Please don't walk right past us and pretend we aren't even there. It's totally cool if you're meeting a group and you already know where you're sitting; a simple 'hello' will suffice! The same thing goes for when you leave--'good bye' is only two syllables.
2. Don't try to seat yourself.
In almost every restaurant, you will find a sign that says, and I quote: "Please Wait to be Seated." Unless you celebrate opposite day, we would really appreciate it if you would comply with this small request. And even if you do celebrate opposite day, comply with this request. The reason? We have a method to our madness of where we seat people. We want you to be comfortable, we want all of the servers' sections to be as even as possible, and sometimes we have tables reserved for people. It throws off the flow when you come in and plop down wherever your little heart desires.
3. Know the number of people in your party and if they are already there or not.
Going out to eat isn't fun unless you're with other people, right? We know the dining experience is more fun when you're with a group of friends or family members. But please, help a sista out and know the number of people you plan on having. When you don't, we have no idea where to seat you! Do you need a bigger table for 10? Or a smaller table for 4? We can't read your mind. Also, our ability to communicate quickly these days is pretty dope. Between calls and texts and emails, there are so many ways to let your group know if you are already at the restaurant! Please communicate so we don't seat half your group across the restaurant because you didn't talk to each other.
4. Please don't be offended when we ask you if you are 21.
Look, we aren't those people at carnivals who are able to predict your age with uncanny ability, but we do need to know whether or not you're of legal age so we know where we can and cannot seat you. Honestly, you should feel flattered if we ask.
5. Hostesses are not your servers.
Our job is to seat you. Please don't give us your drink order.
6. Please don't stop and talk to your friends on the way to the table.
You see your friends eating while en route to your own table? Awesome! But do us a solid and wait until you get to your own table before going to chat with them. There are three reasons for this: 1. Sometimes we turn around and you're no longer following us and then we have to come hunt you down, which is pretty awk. 2. When we do find you, we have to awkwardly third wheel the conversation. 3. We really need to get back to the front door in case some other customers come in, and we absolutely cannot have a situation like #2 happen...
7. And finally, please don't switch tables without telling us or switch the chairs up between tables or move another table over to yours or ask if so-and-so is here already or...
I could go on. But I think you get the point. It all comes down to respect. And my point here? #RespectHostesses2015.