


Monday, October 28, 2013

An open letter to malls, businesses, and, well...society.

You know what's fun?


I may be biased in the sense that I'm a girl, so it may come with the territory (yes, that was a joke, and no, I'm not trying to offend the feminists).  But even for the guys out there, let's face it: it's fun to get new things.  Maybe it's clothes, maybe it's shoes, maybe it's the latest gadget Apple came out with...I mean, in our capitalist society, we were born and raised with the idea that old is bad and new is good and we need to buy things to make us happy.  I'm not saying this is right or wrong (trust me, I'm the last person in the world qualified for entering a political debate), but if you think about it, that's kind of the way things are.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, there comes a point when it goes too far.  And that point, my friends, is Black Friday.

But before I reveal my innermost thoughts about this "holiday that's not really a holiday," let me give you a little background so you know where I'm coming from.

Back in 2006, my parents became owners of a Mrs. Fields Cookies store in our local mall.  And let me tell you, that was the coolest thing ever for my 6th grade self at the time.  Free cookies whenever I wanted?  Uhh, yes please!

But it wasn't just that.  It also became my first "real" job while in high school, as well as a second family when I started getting to know the other girls who worked there.  My mom, the dedicated woman that she is, works there every weekday (and even some weekends) and oversees the daily store happenings.  My dad, too, is very invested in the business.  He does paperwork and works at the store, even though he has a full time job.  Even my younger sister worked there for her first job.  Basically, the store became a part of the Kaisershot family's everyday life.

So in that sense, working on holidays was a given.  For example, every Christmas Eve for the past few years, my parents have worked the closing shift.  Then, when my sister and I became old enough, we too worked the Christmas Eve closing shift with my parents.  It's never been the ideal situation, but my parents are so compassionate that they would rather take the responsibility of working on a holiday so their employees could celebrate with their families.  As the owners and bosses, they could easily sit back and relax on Christmas Eve while others worked at the store, but this is how they wanted to run their business, and I truly admire them for it.

But then there's Black Friday.

Black Friday is that day after Thanksgiving were the mall and retailers open early so people can wake up at the crack of dawn (still digesting their Thanksgiving turkey, no doubt) and stampede through the various stores, eagerly searching for the best deal and fighting someone for that on-sale TV or article of clothing or electronic device that they "need."  So, being a store in the mall means Mrs. Fields is subject to the regulations as to when we open and close.  And if the mall opens at 6:00 in the morning, that means Mrs. Fields does too.  And if Mrs. Fields has to be open at 6:00 in the morning, someone has to be there at the store to open it.  And who do you think does that?

My mom, my dad, my sister, and me.

Don't get me wrong: it can be pretty fun.  Black Friday is the first day where it's really acceptable to immerse yourself in the Christmas spirit, and at Mrs. Fields, we go hard.  Instead of our usual black polo uniforms, we are encouraged to wear red and green shirts, as well as Santa hats and reindeer antlers.  Because there are so many people at the mall, we are constantly busy and running around, but everyone is in such good spirits with smiles on their faces despite the early hour, so it's a good time.  So, I generally really enjoy working during this time.

This year is different.  This year, our local mall opens at 8:00 pm on Thursday, November 28.

This year, our mall opens on Thanksgiving.

When I first found this out, courtesy of my mom, I was in disbelief.  8:00 on Thanksgiving?!  Why??

According to the mall, the purpose of this early opening is to "remain competitive" with, I assume, other retailers in town.  But in my opinion, that is no excuse.  In my eyes, there are far more negative effects from this early opening than positive ones.

With an 8:00 opening time on Thanksgiving day, my family and I will have to be at the mall around 6:00 pm to begin baking cookies and getting the store ready for the mad rush of people that will descend upon the store.  But how exactly is that supposed to work out when we have Thanksgiving dinner at my aunt's house half an hour away?

Well, it won't work out, at least not in the way we've always done it.  My family will have to forfeit a Thanksgiving tradition years in the making in order to satisfy the demands set by Black Friday precedents.  Instead of spending time together as an entire family (including aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and more), my mom, dad, sister, and I will work.  Instead of relaxing and enjoying time surrounded by good food and the people we love the most, we will be satiating the hunger of those shoppers that are voluntarily foregoing their Thanksgiving to buy things.  And instead of slowing down and actually being thankful for all the things we have, we will be musing over the fact that these shoppers couldn't take one day, one day, to not give in to the idea that we need more and better and newer.

But this doesn't just affect my family.  No, it affects far more than us.  It affects every single person that works in retail and their families.  For those who haven't worked in retail, you have to understand that there are only a few days in the year where workers are generally guaranteed a day off.  These days include Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving.  Well, except for this year of course.

So, readers, I implore you to rethink your actions this Black Friday:

Malls and businesses: don't feel so pressured to open earlier and earlier each year.  Shoppers won't be angry if you don't open at 8:00 pm on Thanksgiving.  Instead, they might actually feel relieved!  The only reason they are so eager to camp outside your doors in order to enter your store at opening time is because they feel that the product they are seeking won't be there if they come later.  Nobody really wants to give up their Thanksgiving or wake up really early the next day if they don't have to.  If you opened at your usual time on Friday morning, the people will still come if you have your deals and specials.  And please, just think about your employees and their families.  How can you justify taking away precious time from them on one of the few days they actually have to celebrate together?  Just because you pay them doesn't necessarily make up for the fact that you're taking away time from them, which is usually more valuable anyway.

And society: I am in utter shock year after year from the amount of people I see getting up at an unnatural hour or even camping outside the store hours before opening time to buy things.  Not only that, but I'm so frustrated that people would willingly give up time with their families while I, and many, many others, are forced to.  It's just stuff.  And what's more, it's the same stuff you can get every single other day.  There is nothing special about this stuff just because it's Black Friday.  Sure, perhaps it's cheaper, but is that money that you save worth the time you lose, especially when whatever you buy will probably break or get lost or you will get tired of before too long? 

It's Thanksgiving.  This is the one day you're basically required to not buy things.  It's the day you're supposed to sit down with family and friends and just be happy with what you have and not covet more.  I beg of you, please do not give up time with your family to shop this Thanksgiving.  It really won't be worth it.  At least wait until the next day.

After all, friends, it's not called Black Thursday.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Bye, October. It Was Fun While It Lasted.

Calendar check: is it really October?

Scratch it really almost November???

I have been slacking like a lazy kid in a group project on this whole blogging thing.  Yeesh.  
So, maybe you have and maybe you have not been wondering what's been going down over here in good ol' Purdue.  If you have, you're in luck: I'm about to give you the condensed version of Everything You Need To Know That Happened To Kasey Kaisershot In October.  If you haven't been wondering, well...I'm going to tell you anyways.  And if you aren't even there anymore and I'm just rambling to myself...that's another story.  We'll pretend that's not the case.  And I guess what I do say will all depend on what exactly my poor college brain can even remember.  So here goes:

Once upon a time, way back on October 4-7 (yeah, back in the Stone Ages, right?), it was Purdue's October break.  I got to go home and see my family (yayyy!) and just sorta chill for awhile.  Some of the things I did were as follows:
1. I did homework.  Whoop de freakin' do.
2. I went to Raider Farms with my family!!  It was so windy and chilly that day, but it was fun because we got a lot of yummy fall food and got to take bizzare pictures.
3. We also saw the movie Gravity with Sandra Bullock.  A pretty good one if you ask me, despite the fact that I could barely breathe the whole movie since she almost ran out of oxygen.
4. I went down to Champaign on Saturday to see Katie!  First I saw Kourt get all dolled up for homecoming, and she looked precious.  Then I headed over to Champaign to go to the Aaron Carter concert with Katie!!  It was so great because the tickets were really cheap (I mean seriously, Aaron was in his prime like 10 years ago), and he sang all his classics ("I Want Candy" and "Aaron's Party" anyone?).  It was a blast reliving our '90s days, and afterwards, we met up with Lauren and went out and danced a little bit.  It was quite a good time if I do say so myself.
5. I got to cheer on the Wildcats for their homecoming football game with Brooke and Kelsey, but not until after we had eaten our weight and more in FlatTop Grille stir fry.  My mouth is watering as we speak.

So yeah, basically it was a grand ol' time, but as Tuesday night was drawing to a close and I was supposed to be heading back, I was like, ehhhhh.  Not really feeling it.  So, since the perks of college classes include not actually having class until 11:30, I woke up at the buttcrack of dawn on Wednesday in order to drive back to campus.  So worth being able to sleep in my big, non-lofted bed another night, though.  I mean, you don't know luxury until you've slept in your own bed after weeks of your lofted one.

Sissy :)

Fighting Harry Potter at Rader

Kissing Dumbledore

These caramel apple slushies are ridiculously good

At the football game!

Concert timeeee

Lauren and Katie!

Hey Aaron Carter!!

Jayceon, Aaron's opener

The weekend after was fun too.  You'd think I was sick of seeing my family by now (recall the fact that they had just been up for family weekend the week before October break), but the opposite was the case.  Actually, my family and some family friends came up to tailgate for the Nebraska vs. Purdue game!  Since the game was at noon (and nobody wanted to leave at 6 am to get here), we tailgated after the devastating Purdue loss instead of before.  (Devastating? Who am I kidding? We had it coming.  Purdue football sucks.  ...Boiler Up!)  But anywho, we cooked (or rather, my dad cooked) burgers and hot dogs, and Jess and Annie (my future roommates, holla!) and Kourtney and I threw around the football a little bit while simultaneously stuffing our faces with food.  It was really a good time, and there were so many people tailgating, making it a great experience.  Plus, the weather was fantastic.

The Family Rivalry...


Yum yum, burgers and dogs!

Annie boo at the game :)

And as if that weren't enough...

Last Sunday I saw saw my family again.  

I'm sorry, I just love them, okay?

My mom had told me earlier in the week that Kourtney was getting her senior pictures taken that weekend, and I really wanted to be there!  Plus, it was my parents' wedding anniversary!  So I decided I would work to get all my homework done on Saturday so I could drive up Sunday afternoon after I taught Sunday school and surprise Kourtney!  It sort of worked, except mom sorta blew my cover the night before, but no biggie, because the whole thing was a blast!

The guy who took Kourt's pics, Jerry, was really funny and Kourtney looked absolutely stunning in her pictures.  Like, straight model status.  And that's me not being biased.  She got to do a lot of different stuff and wear a lot of cute little outfits and it was a lot of fun and I just used a lot in that sentence, well... a lot.  But Jerry was really cool and thought our family was absolutely crazy (truth) and his hs senior assistant was fun too.  In fact, after the shoot, we all went to Green Gables together, a bar out by Lake Bloomington.  Talk about delicious burgers and an awesome juke box (to which we may or may not have danced to ).  I was really scared to drive back to school, however, considering it was pitch black.  I ended up not getting back until around 11, but luckily I made it back without seeing any deer (although those corn husks flying across the road gave me a scare or two).

Can we just take a second and look at this gorgeous sister of mine?!

Oh, you know, just me and mom being weird on set...

It kind of stunk getting home so late because I had my full day in my Kindergarten class the next day!  Instead of my usual 2 hour weekly visit, I went for the entire day to see what a full day in the classroom is like.  The answer?  Exhausting.  I don't know how my teacher does it!  She is always on.  They are really great kids, but it is pretty tiring!  I'm glad I got to experience it though, and it felt good being able to assist her in the classroom so she could work with some small groups on some things.  The bad part was, one of the students gave me pink eye, which was not so fun.  (Quick mini story: I made an appointment for the student health center because I had a huge spider bite on my leg that was really swollen and red, so I wanted to get it checked and make sure it wasn't anything to worry about.  Well, on the morning I woke up for the appointment, my eye was all red and gross.  So, I walked in to check a spider bite, which was fine by the way, but I walked out with a pink eye diagnosis.  Yayyy Kindergarten...)

Also, the week before I taught my first group lesson!  It was a really exciting experience!  I did an activity with the letters b, d, p, and q because I had noticed the students were having difficulty telling them apart in a previous activity since they all look the same, just flipped in different directions.  So we practiced with those letters a little bit, and then I did an activity where I read a prompt (such as, boys go to letter b), and the boys had to walk to the corner of the room that represented letter b.  We did that with several prompts, and one of the students even asked, "Can we do this all day?".  Let me tell you, that felt good to hear :)  I actually only have 1 more visit though!  I can't believe it's already over!  I'm excited to see what next semester brings me though...

Speaking of next semester, I registered for classes!  I'm pretty pleased with my schedule, so we shall see what becomes of that.  I'm taking 18 credit hours though, which makes me pretty nervous, but I should be okay!  I also decided I wanted to officially minor in Spanish instead of just certificate in it since it's only 2 extra classes, so now I have that to look forward too!  Plus, my Global Studies minor will be complete after this semester too!  Yippee!!

Some other random stuff:

I just got back from PSEA Fall Conference in Indy today!  If you recall, I went to this conference last fall, but this time I was actually helping to be in charge of organizing for it.  It was a fiasco at first with our student organization financial group and getting authorized drivers and all that jazz, but we were finally able to go and it was a success!  We had 10 members total, and we went to several breakout sessions and listened to many speakers during the time we were there so we could learn more about education in Indiana and how to be better teachers.  In fact, Glenda Ritz, Superintendent of Public Instruction in Indiana, was our keynote speaker for today!  She's kinda a big deal when it comes to education in Indiana because she actually cares for the teachers and schools.  Everyone is in love with her at that conference, haha.

Last weekend, Jess, Sydney, and I all went to see the movie Prisoners in theaters.  TALK ABOUT AN AWESOME MOVIE!!  It was so great.  Jake Gyllenhaal was looking attractive as always, but the whole movie was amazing!  It was so suspenseful and creepy and good!  I can't rave about it enough, I'm tellin' ya!  The three of us literally had to sit there in the theater for a good 10 minutes after the movie ended so we could process and calm down long enough to get a grip to go home.  It was that good.

Also, I ran my first ever 5K in October!  I had never done an official one before, and I really wanted to.  So, Timmy Global Health organization put on a nighttime glow run where everyone got some awesome glow sticks to run with!  Sydney and I ran it in 33 minutes (not too shabby if you ask me) and then what did we do?  ...We went to Taco Bell.  Naturally.

My friend Katie and I before the Glow Run

Me and Sydney, lookin' glo-tastic.

Another fun fact: I am officially a big kid.  

Yep, that's right.

On Thursday, Jess, Annie, and I signed our very first apartment lease.


That's right.

We had been looking at a lot of different places (we literally had a chart going of about 10 places) and weren't too thrilled.  However, we found 2 we really loved and narrowed it down.  We made legitimate pro/con lists trying to figure out which one would be our home next year.  We sat down for an hour trying to decide what we liked, but it was too difficult.  Both places had the things we wanted out of an apartment, so we didn't know what to do.  Finally, we decided on one (partially because there was too much risk with the other since the landlords were out of the country until next week and all the places were selling like crazy) and signed a lease!  Luckily, Annie's mom, who is a lawyer, came with us to make sure we weren't selling our souls to the devil.  But seriously...oh my gosh.  This time next year, we will have a place of our own.  Soooo exciting!

Well, that was October for ya.  (Most of it anyway).  Until next time!