


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I Love Doing Laundry!

On another day, I wouldn't blame you if you thought I was being sarcastic.

But the thing is, I'm not.

I'm currently sitting in the laundry room having THE BEST LAUNDRY EXPERIENCE YOU CAN POSSIBLY HAVE IN COLLEGE!!!  It's exhilarating.

I woke up this morning, dreading my exams that I mentioned last night.  Boy, this day was not going to end soon enough.  I had one thought to get me going though: when these tests are over, I get to come back and do laundry.  Now normally this is not something that people get excited about, or so I've heard.  But I was actually looking forward to doing laundry because a) It meant that my tests were over and b) It meant that I'd have clean clothes.

Normally I do my laundry on Saturday afternoons.  Which is a huge mistake, as I've mentioned before.  So I decided to sacrifice a couple extra days worth of dirty clothes in order to do my laundry on Wednesday afternoon since I get out of class at 1:20.  It's probably been the best decision I've made since I've been here.  There is literally nobody down here. (Except my next door neighbor, Jess.  She's doing a crossword right now and keeps asking me about answers that I don't know and it makes me feel dumb for not knowing them.  Oh well.  I love her.)  And since there's nobody down here, guess who got 3 washing machines to herself...all at the same time?? This girl!!  Woot woot!  

I'm actually getting kind of concerned for myself.  This excitement is irrational.  But after the Great Laundry Fiasco of September 15, I'm just super pumped that I'm going to be able to get it all done.  I've beat the system.  Take that, Shreve Hall.

Procrastination At Its Finest.

It's not that I'm actually procrastinating.  Technically, I've done all the studying I need to for my exams tomorrow.  But let's be honest, it wasn't that thorough of studying.

I have my Spanish composition exam tomorrow, then my Spanish make-up exam right after that since I missed it for being sick on Monday, then I have a math quiz after that, and then I have my EDCI 27000 exam right after that.  So yes, I have reviewed my notes somewhat, but I decided to give up on all of that.  After all, it is 1:08 am as I'm typing this, and I still need a shower.

La la la.

At least I'm not out partying like some of the girls on the floor.  I don't know how they do it.  Mad props.

We went on a tree identification hike today in my biology class.  We walked down the road to Horticulture Park and walked through the woods there to identify trees.  The park is actually really beautiful, and I definitely need to take advantage of its proximity soon, considering the leaves are going to begin changing and it's going to be gorgeous there!

Okay, I really should go.

Goodnight, loyal fans of my college experience :)

Monday, September 24, 2012


The positives of this weekend:

+ My blog hit 500+ views!  Thanks, everyone!  I'm glad to know people are interested in what I'm doing here at good ol' Purdue.

+ Starry Night.  For those back in Normal, Starry Night is the equivalent of the Sugar Creek Arts Festival.  Except it's smaller, at night, and 100x more hipster.  But it was insanely pretty.  All the booths are set up down on Chauncy Hill and there are Christmas lights strung up between all the buildings.  People set up booths to sell their artistic stuff, and most, if not all, the money collected is donated to a charity of some sort.  Brooke had a friend from Photography Club there, and his pictures were amazing!  There were people selling all sorts of stuff, but I fell in love with this journal that a girl was selling.  The front had a picture of the United States on it, but each state was written in the shape of the state.  (I know that doesn't make much sense, so there's a picture below.)  Then, every few pages inside the journal, there is the picture of the state by itself and some extra pages for different things.  I decided that, since I've been to many of the states, I'm going to put pictures inside the journal as a sort of photo journal, because I would like to travel to all 50 states sometime in my life.  I can't wait to get started on it!  Brooke and I also got a Polaroid picture together which was super cute!

Brooke and I at Starry Night.

My awesome new journal.

+ CRU.  I finally got to go again, and it was so nice to be back.  We sang some absolutely awesome songs, and I met a new girl who lives in Shreve who is silly and loves to sing like me!

+ Fairway 80s party.  Just like the Toga Party they threw a few weeks ago, this party was a hit!  I didn't really have 80s clothes, but I did have a side pony-tail and a bright t-shirt.  Brooke, Christian, and I went and had an absolute blast dancing.  It was a dry party again, but so far, those are the best ones I've been to :)  We left at about 1:30 am, and then hung out with people in the lobby of Shreve for a couple hours.  Christian and I ended up talking in the hallway until around 5:00 am (bad idea) after that.  I don't remember if I've mentioned this, but Christian is one of my really good friends here.  I've never really had a guy friend who was this close before, but it's a nice change of pace.  He's a really good guy.

+ The House at the End of the Street.  Brooke, Christian, his roommate, Matt, and I went and saw this movie Saturday night.  Yes, we walked the 25+ minutes to get to the movie theater to see it.  It wasn't the best experience ever, especially considering that Christian thought there was a bus to get there, and turns out the stop was on a road that was closed.  Good job Christian.  The movie was mediocre and the theater was definitely nowhere near as nice as the Starplex and Galaxy back home, but the experience was fun.

+ I got some Krispy Kreme doughnuts :)

The negatives:

- Halfway through the movie, I started feeling a little sick.  I thought I was getting a cold, but my head felt like it was about to explode and my body started getting really achy.  Then we had to walk the 25 minutes back from the theater, but the guys were hungry and wanted to stop for food.  I basically passed out at the table at Von's Dough Shack (the equivalent of DP Dough) while the guys ate because I felt so bad.  When we finally got back to Shreve, I was practically dead and had to go straight to bed.  I didn't even shower or change clothes.  I only had time to get some NyQuil in my system before I passed out.  However, and hour later, I woke back up feeling worse than ever.  I couldn't get out of bed, so Christian had to come in to get me my Advil.  (Megan was having an all-nighter with her friends, so she wasn't in the room all night.)  I slept for another hour and woke up again.  I was practically delirious and was mumbling to myself as if there was someone else in the room...except there wasn't.  It was a rough night.

- I woke up Sunday morning still feeling like crap.  I knew I needed to go to PUSH, the Student Health Center, because I didn't know what was wrong and I needed some medicine and a note in case I wasn't able to go to class on Monday.  The bad thing is, PUSH is a good 15 minute walk from Shreve, and based on how awesome I was feeling, I didn't know if I could make it there.  So I enlisted Christian's help again (he's such a good friend) and he walked me there.  The verdict:  I had a 101 degree fever and a contagious throat infection, although it wasn't strep.  I was given a prescription for an antibiotic in case it was a bacterial infection, and I had to have my RA get it for me from Walmart.  I was basically a mess for the rest of the day.  However, I came back to my room to find some candy and tea packets and an apple from 3 of the girls on my floor to help me feel better.  I love my floor!  I didn't do much homework or anything Sunday night because I felt so bad.  I emailed all my professors telling them I may or may not go to class today because I just didn't feel good.  I ended up not going to my 8:30 Spanish class, so now I have to make up my exam on Wednesday.  That was the first college class I missed!  But boy, I needed that sleep!

Let me just say that getting sick in college is so inconvenient.  First, your bed is lofted, so it's a struggle getting in and out of it when you're healthy, let alone when you're weak and achy.  Also, your mom isn't there to take care of you, which sucks.  You can't drive to get your prescription and you have to have other people do it for you.  And you have to walk a long time to get to the health center.  It really just plain sucks, but thank goodness for all the supportive girls on the floor.  Shout-out to them for being so awesome!


Yep, you read that right: boy!  As in, I'm crushin' on one of them here.  But before I get to that, there are some other things you should know.  And they are:

One: Two weekends ago, I actually was able to go to a party.  My last post was likely a disappointment to those of you who were expecting me to get cray.  You know, that whole cliche thing where the good girl in high school gets to college and experiences sweet freedom and wrecks her life and has some experience where she pulls herself up out of the gloom and reflects on her life and comes out stronger than before?

...That obviously didn't happen to me three weekends ago with my failed party attempt.  Nor did it happen two weekends ago, though I finally went to a party.  The short and sweet version is as follows:

  • I got all dolled up again, lookin' hotter than ever in my red pants, holla. (Haha, I had to chuckle to myself as I wrote that.)
  • I met up with some friends and we went to a house party someone heard about.  There was nobody there, and two of the girls in my group wanted to go to a frat.  We lost half our group at the house in search of a frat to go to.
  • One of the girls I was with was able to get a driver to come pick us up and bring us to one of the frats.  While we waited for a driver, we met a guy who was in the frat who was completely wasted because it was his 22nd birthday.  He rode with us back to the house, and that's when I realized that drunk people really aren't that funny.
  • The frat was virtually empty because apparently their big parties happen on Tuesdays.  Yeah, staying out late on a Tuesday is not my cup of tea with an 8:30 on Wednesday morning.  
  • There was drinking (which I didn't partake in) and not really any dancing (which sucks).
  • We left.  I was disappointed.  I took that as a sign that I should give up looking for a good time at parties for awhile.
Yeah, so my life isn't that interesting when it comes to parties.  Sorry to disappoint!

Two:  I had my first tutoring session two Fridays ago with my Spanish kids at the local jr. high!  I was so nervous since I can barely speak, but it actually went okay.  I worked with a girl and then a boy, and we spoke English half the time and Spanish the other half.  Let me tell you, helping with math homework is hard enough in English, let alone in a language I feel like I barely know!  I'm hoping I'll get more comfortable with it as the weeks go on.

Three:  I went to Zumba two weeks ago, and there was a sexy instructor named Mauricio.  It was spectacular.  He was so attractive and such a good dancer.  Aww yeah.  Alyssa and I went to Turbo Kick again too.  Nobody better cross us, cause we have some good moves.

Four:  We had our Fancy Floor Dinner last week!  We have floor dinners with our Faculty Fellows every week of course, but this week our RA decided we needed to make it formal.  So we sent a formal invitation to the boys, and they sent one to us, asking us to fancy dinner.  Us girls got all excited and dressed up, and then half an hour before dinner started, we headed over to the guys' side and walked down the hallway in our heels and dresses, enticing them to come to dinner with us.  (I mean, who could resist Brooke walking down the hallway yelling, "Boys, come to dinner!!!"?)  They all poked their heads out their doors and were grumbling that they still had 23 minutes to get ready.  Us girls took a bunch of pictures outside too, lookin' cute and all.  The guys actually participated and looked nice, and now we might want to do themed dinners once a month.

Roomie pic!

Gettin' sassy.

My best friend :)

Oh Evan...

Fancy Floor Feast!


The Flo' Fo' Hoes.

Five: I had my first experience with college exams last week, with 3 in four days!  My first was math on Monday night, and it was legit.  Not legit as in, "I love math exams" but legit as in "this is like a college exam you see in the movies".  First of all, it wasn't during our class period, but rather at 6:30 at night.  I'm definitely not used to having class related stuff at night like that!  Several of us in class went to dinner beforehand and then headed over to the exam, which was in a lecture hall, just like in the movies.  We had graduated from desks and have been "upgraded" to what the big kids do.  Let me tell you, it is not a very good test-taking environment...  
But anyway, we only had an hour, and everyone was freaking out because our professor is sort of picky to put it nicely.  We have heard so many horror stories of students taking this math class 2 and 3 times because they always fail it.  Well, I thought the test went okay when I took it, but then I was talking with everyone afterwards, and I was sort of frustrated because I didn't think I got the answers everyone else was getting.  It made me slightly nervous, especially today when everyone was talking about how their scores were posted and they were getting 76% and such.  However, I checked mine, and was so relieved and even surprised when a big 98 showed up on the screen.  It was such a day-maker!  I also had a history exam and a biology exam last Thursday, but I felt pretty confident about them.

So you wanna know about the boy now?  Okay, okay, I'll tell you.  I just can't get too specific because this IS a public blog, and he doesn't exactly know yet...we'll call him Alex for now. 

So "Alex" is in one of my classes and he's super sweet and cute and funny and very chivalrous.  (He always holds the doors open for the girls in the class).  I knew from talking to him previously that he likes history, and since I had a history exam on Thursday, I asked him if he perhaps wanted to help me study.  Yes, I am quite aware that this is totally cliche.  I am the queen of cliche; I love romantic comedies.  But I just had to take advantage of the situation, especially since virtually every girl on my floor knows I like him and kept telling me I needed to hang out with him.  So I gave it a shot, and lo and behold, last Wednesday I had a boy in my room.  I think some of my floormates were more excited than I was because they continually came into the room to meet him.  He was a really good sport about it though and oh so nice.  He was sort of helpful in regards to my history, but he was mostly just distracting.  He stayed for about 3 hours, and I just really like him :))))  Teehee.

Okay, that's enough excitement for one day right?  Wrong!  I'm about to post another entry in a few minutes. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Weekend to Remember, A Weekend to Forget.

Disclaimer: I started writing this post a week ago and didn't finish it until today, so some of it may be out of date...

If the title enticed you to read this post, let me warn you that I have to get through the smaller, less significant details of the past week before I get to the good stuff.

I made cake pops last weekend when I was home so that I could bring them back and share them with my friends...I made 92 of them and it only took me 5 hours instead of the usual 6!  People really liked them, so it was totally worth it.

My friend Hannah and I decided to have a little fun and write a "letter" of sorts to our high school Personal Development teacher, Mr. Phelps.  He transferred schools this year, and instead of being a West Wildcat, he's in some city up north and teaching some other random hooligans.  Well, for those who don't know, Hannah and I would write Mr. Phelps a post-it note every day before class containing the following: something we should do in class each day, and somewhere we should go on a field trip.  It started off as a semi-serious assignment, because Phelpsy genuinely wanted some honest feedback. However, we took it to the extreme and made it into something ridiculous.  We even ended up adding a new category to the post-its: a question of the day.  Mr. Phelps kept our post-its for a long time with plans to turn our data into a spread sheet.  (This dude liked organization, forreals.)  Even if he denies it, we know he looked forward to those brightly colored sticky pieces of paper.  So, I wrote a bunch of little tidbits of information on some post-its and sent them to Hannah.  She's going to add onto these notes and send them to his current school.  Surprise!  Instant day-maker.

With the Rec Center still under construction and the T-Rec an atrocity to use, I took matters of my physical health into my own hands and signed up for some classes called Group X.  This program is really just a bunch of different classes each day, all in different categories.  This includes Zumba, Turbo Kick, Aqua Blast, Power Stretch, Cardio Blast, Foam Rolling, Tabata, etc.  You can go to any of these with your membership, and it only costs $45 a semester.  What a steal!  Alyssa and I did Zumba on one day and it was a blast!  Then we did a Turbo Kick workshop for 2 hours to learn the kickboxing moves so when we took the actual class, we would look like pros.  I felt like I could barely walk the next day.  My hips hurt soooo bad!!  We did so many kicks and punches that I felt like I had been beat up, not like I could defend myself from an attacker.  Geesh.  Counter-productive if you ask me.

A really good opportunity came my way recently, and I'm not sure if I've shared it with you already or not.  Through my Spanish class, I get to do a program called Ayuda y Aprende, which translates to Service Learning.  Each Friday, I get to go to the local junior high and work with some native speaker students for 2 hours.  I will help them with their English and we will work on their homework for about an hour or so, and then we will switch over to Spanish for the last part.  I do this for 10 weeks and also attend 5 group sessions with other Purdue students in the program.  I start this Friday and can't wait!

Some random tidbits:

1. After the strenuous rush process, it finally paid off for a couple of my friends!  My roommate, Megan, is in Kapa Alpha Theta, and my other friend Alyssa is in Alpha Xi Zeta.  Megan was extremely excited because that was her top choice and her grandma was also a Theta, so now she gets to be a part of the tradition.

2. One day, Alyssa, Jess, Katie, Annie, and I all decided it would be a good idea to blare music out the open window and have a mini dance party in the room to attract the attention of those below.  We got some interesting looks of curiosity from some people.  It was a good time...and a good way to procrastinate.

3.  I took one of my first pop quizzes last week in my history lecture.  I don't remember the last time I had a pop quiz because nobody at West ever did them!  I wasn't really expecting it (obviously) and so I sort of bs'd my answers.  And apparently my high school Spanish teacher, SeƱor Hirst, was correct when he said, "If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bs", because I got a 94% on that quiz.  Holla.

4. I'm assuming it's to promote alcohol awareness, but Shreve is doing some program called, "The Morning After."  Each day this week, we get letters in our mailboxes with some crazy story about what happened to my friends and I last night because we don't remember.  One of my stories was that I woke up at 4 pm one day and saw all these pictures on Facebook with alcohol in them at a party that I was at.  And now my mom is coming to get me because she's mad!  The other one I've gotten so far was that I woke up this morning and half my head was shaved and the other half was dyed bright pink!  Alyssa had one that she woke up with no pants on in the hallway and had peed on her roommate's computer.  Dana's said that she had sharpie all over her face and it wouldn't come off before her presentation and date.  It's really silly, but it's really entertaining because nothing like this would ever happen to me.

Okay, now for the good stuff.

Friday night was pretty uneventful for me.  We had a floor sleepover, but nobody really spent the night.  I had an impromptu dance party with Brooke, Christian, and Dana, and some of us stayed up until 4 am eating pizza and watching YouTube videos of ourselves.  However, several of the girls on my floor went to a party and came back a little bit tipsy.  It was really strange because I've never been around that before, so I wasn't sure how to react.

But then I realized: I really want to go to a party.  I didn't want to drink or anything; I just really wanted to have the experience that almost every college kid has.  Oh, and I really wanted to dance :)

So Saturday night, I asked some friends if they'd take me to a party, because they knew where they're located.  I got really excited and spent an hour trying to figure out what to wear and how to do my hair.  I had never been to a party before so I had to look good!  Once we set out to this frat house, the nerves started kicking in because I didn't know what to expect.  It was about a 20 -30 minute walk to the house, so when we got there, we were definitely ready to party.  The problem was, when we got to the front of the house, some guys came out and told us that only the girls were allowed in and the guys had to leave.  This was news to me, but apparently it's typical of frat parties...the ratio of girls to guys has to be just right.  The guys in my group were livid of course, and told the frat boys that we knew one of their pledges, which was true.  But they denied us entrance again. With only me and one other girl in the group, I was not about to go into a house full of strange, drunk guys just us two.  So we left with our spirits low.

We caught wind of a house party nearby too, so we went and checked that out.  Unfortunately, it was supa sketchy, so we left and went back to Shreve.  Christian and I wallowed in our sorrows for awhile.  I was so incredibly disappointed!  I had gotten all "gussied up", and I didn't even get to dance or anything!  He and I decided that we needed to pass the time in another way besides eating M&Ms and sulking, so we hooked up the Wii that I brought back from home for a couple weeks and played some Just Dance 3 in the rec lobby.  We went to bed around 3 or 4 in the morning.

Sunday was a really interesting day as well; we had our Shreve Club senator retreat!  It was seriously awesome!  We all met outside Shreve at 1 in the afternoon for a scavenger hunt.  We were teamed up based on floor number, so Brooke and I were on a team with the 4th floor guys side senators, Cole and Evan.  It was a photo scavenger hunt, so we had to solve the riddles we got and take a picture of the corresponding thing/location on campus.  It was seriously the best scavenger hunt I'd ever done!  I'll include some of the pictures and the corresponding clues we had:

Purdue BigMac--This was supposed to be the McDonald's on campus, but instead we took a picture of a large Mac computer.  Loopholes!

Your education is never finished...--The unfinished block P sculpture on campus!

Home of Keady Court--Mackey Arena, the basketball stadium!  All the doors were locked, but we were able to sneak in illegally because some guy was going in and we got in behind him.  We go hard.

Land bridg--We have a couple of these on campus, but we took it to the extreme and actually made bridges with our bodies too.

The big man on campus--This is a statue outside Ross Ade Stadium.  Evan got a really sweet shot while lying on the platform!

Get a picture with a Shreve Club executive member--We chased Dana through campus and finally captured her to take a picture!

Give yourself a round of applause--There are several brick areas on campus that form a circle.  If you stand in the middle and clap, the sound echoes and makes a really neat clicking noise!

Somewhere you'll always find a friendly hello--Purdue's Hello Walk!  If you walk down it, you have to say hi to everyone you pass.

Anything named after a president--There were so many of these busts in the Union, so we took a bunch of pics.

If you have your heart set on 4 years, don't go under this place--Legend has it that if you go under the Bell Tower, you won't graduate in 4 years.  Evan decided that he didn't care and sat under it for this picture.  Another legend is if you kiss someone under the tower, you'll get married to that person.

Ladies and gentlemen, your Senator Scavenger Hunt 2012 winners!  4th floor represent!  

Okay, I'm going to get this over with and just post this because I know you all have been waiting for awhile.  I have some updates about this weekend too, so that'll be here soon!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Going home... great because:

1. I get to see my family.
2. I don't have to wear shower shoes to bathe.
3. Water pressure actually exists?? I almost forgot!
4. My bed is the size for normal people, not 5 year olds.
5. And I get my electric blanket again.
6. And my bed is actually comfortable.
7. And I don't have to climb up my desk to get into it.
8. And I don't have to feel like I can't move around or I'll fall to my death like in my college bed.
9. Scratch that last one; even if I wanted to move around in my college bed, I couldn't. See #5.
10. I can actually be in a room where no one else is and get a quiet moment to myself.
11. My feet have felt the luxury of padded carpet again.
12. I don't have to walk anywhere if I don't want to.  Which I don't.
13. I can have a hot breakfast cooked by my mom instead of scrounging around in my drawer o' food to find something.
14. I get to see people I haven't seen in awhile.
15. It's actually possible to walk around in my room.
16. I get my mom's hugs again.
17. I get to see my cats!! because:

1. I missed Purdue's first home game.
2. I didn't get to go to the CRU meeting last night.
3. I didn't get to go to any dance parties or anything.
4. I won't see my floor girls until Monday.

Ahh, who am I kidding.  As much as I love college, it's great to be home!